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Routine health information utilization and associated factors at governmental health centers in Jimma zone, Ethiopia

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dc.contributor.author Wariyo, Tiba
dc.date.accessioned 2021-05-12T07:52:56Z
dc.date.available 2021-05-12T07:52:56Z
dc.date.issued 2020-08-31
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.iifphc.org/handle/123456789/1297
dc.identifier.uri https://repository.ju.edu.et/handle/123456789/5755
dc.description.abstract Background: Routine Health Information system (RHIS) is an important mechanism, to identify gaps in the management of the health system, and resolve them to maintain and improve performance. it plays an important role in effective and efficient health service delivery and decision making, regard to World Health Organization routine health information system an integral component of any health care system as it provides the context with which effective data collection, analysis and reporting of health information. Effective data analysis, interpretation, and utilization of information at all levels of the health system is very important for evidence-based decisions. Objectives: To assess the status of routine health care information utilization and associated factors at Governmental Health Centers in Jimma zone, Oromia, Ethiopia, from 10 March-10 April 2020 G.C. Methods: Institution based cross-sectional study was conducted from 10 March-10April 2020 in randomly selected sixteen governmental health centers of Jimma Zone, Oromia Regional state The Single population proportion formula was used to obtain a sample of 380 health professionals. The sample allocated to health centers proportional to their population of interest. ‘ The data collection procedure was employed using quantitative and qualitative method. In quantitative method self-administered structured questionnaire were used. Data entry were made using the Epidata 3.1 software. Dichotomous Variables in bivariate analysis whose p value is less than 0.25 were included in multi variable. Finally, variables whose p value less than 0.05 (p<0.05) in logistic regression were considered as statistically significant association and the strength of association were interpreted by using adjusted odds ratio. Results: Of all 380 study participants, only 125 (33.0%) routinely used facility health information; for formal training AOR=7.03(1.88-26.38), computer access AOR=3.37(1.12-8.50), supportive supervision AOR=7.80(4.91-12.63), availability of HMIS guideline and formats were important factors affecting health information utilization. Conclusions: In this study, the overall health information utilization of health centers were low compared to previous studies. The use of health information system influenced by formal training, computer access, HMIS formats, guidelines and supervision were determinants of health information utilization. Improving computer access, training and supportive supervision are crucial to solve the problem.
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher Jimma University
dc.subject Health planning & management
dc.title Routine health information utilization and associated factors at governmental health centers in Jimma zone, Ethiopia
dc.type Thesis

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