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Assessment of knowledge & practice of nutrition habits of women during pregnancy

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dc.contributor.author Tilahun, Hiwot
dc.date.accessioned 2021-10-11T15:21:14Z
dc.date.available 2021-10-11T15:21:14Z
dc.date.issued 2021-06-30
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.iifphc.org/handle/123456789/1384
dc.description.abstract Background: Mothers’ nutrition is crucial for good pregnancy outcomes and in improving children’s nutritional status. Nutritional status of mothers is partly affected by their knowledge and practice. The present study aims to examine the level of knowledge and practices towards maternal nutrition among pregnant mothers who attended Antenatal Care (ANC) in obstetrics and gynaecology department at All Africa Leprosy Rehabilitation and Training Centre (ALERT) Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Methods: In-depth analysis of data involving a total of 354 eligible pregnant women, enrolled during in ANC visit was conducted during the month of February, 2021. Study participants were selected by employing systematic sampling techniques. Knowledge on components of nutrition with direct and significant effect on pregnancy, and dietary intake or dietary diversity practices were assessed by asking each individual pregnant woman to provide a single 24-h dietary recall. Results: The overall knowledge level (37%) and level of dietary practices (45%) of pregnant mothers on nutrition during pregnancy was low. There was significant positive relation between level of education, monthly income and Husband’s occupation on nutritional knowledge of pregnant women. On the other hand, education and husband’s occupation were found to have an association with dietary practices of pregnant women. Conclusion and Recommendations: The study revealed low levels of knowledge and nutritional practices during pregnancy. In order to enhance nutritional knowledge and practice of pregnant women, nutrition education intervention needs to be tailored to meet the need for pregnant women to improve their knowledge and dietary practices. Therefore, health professionals should give regular nutrition counselling using cards and role models. Nutritionists should be assigned at each level in the health system to overcome nutritional knowledge and practice problems of pregnant women................................. Thesis available at ACIPH Library
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher Addis Continental Institute of Public Health
dc.subject Nutrition
dc.title Assessment of knowledge & practice of nutrition habits of women during pregnancy
dc.type Thesis

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