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Cataract Surgery Outcomes and Associated Factor in Operated Individuals at Secondary Eye Unit of Wolayta Soddo Teaching and Referral Hospital

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dc.creator Gebre-Mariam, Addisu
dc.date 2023-06-06T03:50:19Z
dc.date 2023-06-06T03:50:19Z
dc.date 2020
dc.date.accessioned 2024-01-31T07:02:44Z
dc.date.available 2024-01-31T07:02:44Z
dc.identifier http://etd.hu.edu.et//handle/123456789/3397
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.iphce.org/xmlui/handle/123456789/2799
dc.description Back ground Currently World Health Organization(WHO) stated that worldwide 39 million peoples are blind,124 million with low vision,totally161 million peoples are visually impaired. About 51% of blindness is due to Cataract. Various approach for management of cataract has their own contribution on visual out-come. One thousand new cases/million pop/annum of cataract occurs in study Region Objectives To assess the surgical out-come of cataract operated individual and to identify various factors which affect attainment of better vision. Methods The study setting was Wolayta Sodo Secondary Eye unit in 2019 G.C. The study design was cross sectional retrospectively revising secondary sources bases in Hospital. Subjects will be selected using systematic sampling technique and the sample size of 323 was included.. Collection of data was by health professionals who had experienced on eye clinic service. SPSS version 22 for data entry & analysis also Excel used for Analysis. The study period was in 2019. Result A sample size of 305 patients selected with systematic random sampling technique from Cataract operated individuals in their first day of post operation, of which 48(15.9%) had normal visual acuity,111(36.4%) under the range of visual impairment, Severe Visual impairment accounts104(34.1%), and 38(12.5%) are fall in blindness. Follow up visit after a week of operation showed that:49(16.1%)are in normal visual acuity range,79(25.9%) are in visual impairment,43(14.1) under severe visual impairment and 12(3.9%) are blind.The mean and standard deviation of the variable age of operated individuals was 57.33(+-)13.74years& OR with CI 0.963(0.937-0.991) with P-value of 0.01.Residence,sex & occupation did not display statistical significant. Conclusion &Recommendation The Cataract surgical outcome was much less than WHO set standard (15.9%) of Normal Visual Acuity The expected Severe Visual acuity (<6/60 with IOL) is much higher than 5% (47.18%). Thorough screening with (pre,intra,post) operation assessment is important.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en_US
dc.publisher HUCMHS
dc.subject Cataract surgical outcome, Visual acuity, type of surgery, co-morbidity with cataract.
dc.title Cataract Surgery Outcomes and Associated Factor in Operated Individuals at Secondary Eye Unit of Wolayta Soddo Teaching and Referral Hospital
dc.type Thesis

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